zipcreator interface

Overview of this Java desktop application's user interface

Using the toolbar

zipcreator toolbar
zipcreator toolbar

Toolbar buttons

These can be activated by clicking on them, or by pressing [Alt] and the key indicated by the underlined letter.

New Clear the list ready for making a new zip file.

Open Open an existing zip file.

Save Save the current zip file.

Save As Save the zip file to a specific location.

Extract All Extract all the entries in the list to a directory of your choice.

Extract Extract just the selected entries in the list.

Add Add files and directories from your file system to the list. These entries will only be included in the zip file when you save it.

Remove Remove the selected entries from the list.

Toolbar placement

You can move the toolbar to any edge of the zipcreator window by dragging the dotted strip of the toolbar.

zipcreator toolbar docked
zipcreator toolbar docked on left side of window

When dragging the toolbar, the outline indicates where the toolbar will appear. If the outline has a dark border, it will be docked to an edge of the zipcreator window. Otherwise, the toolbar will be displayed in a separate floating window.

zipcreator toolbar floating
zipcreator toolbar as floating window

Viewing entries

The list of entries shows the following columns:

File name The name of the file or directory. The icon alongside indicates the type of entry.

Parent directory The parent path of the entry.

Date modified The date and time denoting when the entry was last modified. This value is specified in the format D-MMM-YY H:NN using a 24 hour clock. For example: 9-Feb-05 17:36

Type The file type, such as “TXT File”, “JPG File” or “Directory”.

File size Size and compression information. The icon alongside indicates the storage method.

Compressed icon Compressed    Uncompressed icon Uncompressed

Selecting entries

Using the popup menu

zipcreator popup menu
zipcreator popup menu

Display the popup menu by right-clicking in the list (the list selection will not be affected). The popup menu offers the following commands and submenus:

Selection This submenu offers Select all, Deselect, Invert and Similar path commands.

Rename entry... Edit the file name of an individual entry.

Change directory... Change the directory of selected entries. If multiple entries are selected, the common path will be changed.

Change modified date... Change the modified date and time of selected entries.

Storage method The "Compressed" and "Uncompressed" commands in this submenu control how the selected file entries are stored.

New directory... Insert a new directory entry into the list.

Text size Use this submenu to change the font sizes used in the interface. A tick is displayed alongside the current setting.

Sort by This submenu lets you change the sort order of entries in the list. A tick is displayed alongside the current sort option.

Using the keyboard

Navigating the interface

[F1] Display the splash screen for a few seconds.

[Tab] Move the focus to the next control in the interface.

[Shift] + [Tab] Move the focus to the previous control in the interface.

[Space] Activate the focused button or popup menu command.

[Escape] Abort an ongoing operation.

Navigating the list

[Page Up] and [Page Down] Scroll the list up or down by one window. The list selection is unaffected.

[Up arrow] Select the previous row.

[Down arrow] Select the next row.

[Shift] + [Up arrow] Extend the selection up one row.

[Shift] + [Down arrow] Extend the selection down one row.

[Ctrl] + [Up arrow] Move up one row, without extending the selection.

[Ctrl] + [Down arrow] Move down one row, without extending the selection.

[Home] Select the first entry in the list.

[End] Select the last entry in the list.

[Shift] + [Home] Extend the selection to the first entry in the list.

[Shift] + [End] Extend the selection to the last entry in the list.

[Ctrl] + A or [Ctrl] + / Select all entries in the list.

[Ctrl] + D or [Ctrl] + \ Deselect all entries.

[Ctrl] + I Invert the selection.

[Ctrl] + G Select entries with a similar path as the selected entries.

Alphanumeric key Press any key from A-Z or 1-0 to move the selection to the next entry beginning with that letter or number.

[Shift] + alphanumeric key Move the selection to the previous entry beginning with that letter or number.

Interacting with the popup menu

[F10] or [Shift] + [F10] Toggle the display of the popup menu. When displayed using the keyboard, the popup menu appears in the middle of the window.

[Escape] Dismiss the popup menu.

[Up arrow] Highlight the previous menu command.

[Down arrow] Highlight the next menu command.

[Left arrow] Exit a submenu.

[Right arrow] Enter a submenu.

[Space] or [Return] Activate the highlighted menu command.

[Alt] + [Up arrow] Select the previous row in the entry list when the popup menu is displayed.

[Alt] + [Down arrow] Select the next row in the entry list when the popup menu is displayed.

Manipulating entries

[F2] Rename the selected entry.

[F3] Change the directory of selected entries.

[F4] Change the modified date and time of selected entries.

[F5] Set the storage method of the selected entries to "Compressed".

[F6] Set the storage method of the selected entries to "Uncompressed".

[F7] Insert a new directory.

[Insert] Add new entries to the list.

[Delete] Remove the selected entries from the list.

[Ctrl] + X Cut the selected entries to the clipboard.

[Ctrl] + C Copy the selected entries to the clipboard. The files are first extracted to a temporary folder.

[Ctrl] + V Paste the clipboard contents by adding the files or entries to the list.

Drag and drop

On Windows, zipcreator supports a range of drag and drop operations, as detailed below.

Drag a zip file onto the zipcreator toolbar or title bar
zipcreator will open the dragged zip file.

Drag one or more files or directories into the entry list
The dragged files and directories will be added to the list of entries. The directory structure of the dragged entries will be maintained.

Drag an individual entry from the list to another application
The target application can open the entry.

Drag an individual entry from the list to the desktop or other directory
The entry will be extracted to the target directory. When you drag a single entry, the directory structure is not recreated.

Drag multiple entries from the list to the desktop or other directory
The dragged entries will be extracted to the target directory and the directory structure of entries will be recreated.

Drag a zip file entry out of the list to the zipcreator toolbar or title bar
zipcreator will open the dragged zip file.

Next: Working with zip files